Adding a New Product

Welcome to Shopeasy's Product Management section! Here, you can add and manage products in your catalog. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Navigate to Catalog

  1. Find and select the "Catalog" option in the Side-Bar.

Step 2: Access Product Management

  1. Look for the "Products" submenu.

Step 3: Add a New Product

  1. Click on "Add Product" or a similar button.

  2. Enter a compelling title for your product.

Step 4: Provide Product Details

  1. Include a detailed product description that showcases its features.

  2. Upload high-quality images to give customers a visual representation.

  3. Set a competitive price for your product.

  4. Enter the weight to assist in shipping calculations.

  5. You can also add Variant product for different color and size.

Step 5: Save and Confirm

  1. Click "Add New Product" to confirm and make your product available in the catalog.


  • Providing detailed and accurate product information helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Last updated