Adding a New Blog Post

Welcome to Shopeasy's Blog Post Management section! Here, you can create and publish new blog posts. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Blog Posts

  1. Navigate to Blogs > Blog Post in the sidebar to access the blog post management page.

  2. Click on "Add New Blog Post" located at the top right corner.

Step 2: Adding Blog Post Details

  1. Blog Title:

    • Enter a title for your blog post.

  2. Image:

    • Upload an image to be displayed with your blog post.

  3. Blog Category:

    • Select the category that best fits your blog post.

  4. Blog Description:

    • Provide a detailed description or content for your blog post.

Step 3: Save Your Blog Post

Click the "Add New Blog Post" button to add the new post to your blog.

Managing Blog Posts:

In the Blog Post section, you can:

  • View Existing Posts

  • Edit Post Details

  • Delete Posts


  • Creating informative and engaging blog posts helps build a strong connection with your audience.

Last updated