Module Setting
Welcome to Shopeasy's Module Setting section! Here, you can customize the layout of your customer's home page by arranging various sections. Follow these steps to get started:
Step 1: Accessing Module Setting
Navigate to Module > Module Setting in the sidebar to access the module setting page.
In this section, you can manage the layout of your customer's home page.
Step 2: Customizing Home Page Sections
You'll see a list of available sections: Slider, Category, Product Filter, Brand, Banner Custom, Special Product, Featured Product, Recent Product, Blog.
To arrange the sections, simply click and drag them to your desired position. The sections at the top will be displayed first on the customer's home page.
Use the toggle button next to each section to control whether it's shown or not on the home page.
Customizing the home page layout allows you to showcase specific sections that align with your business goals and priorities.
Last updated