Product Categories

Welcome to Shopeasy's Product Categories section! Here, you can organize your products by creating and managing different categories. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Product Categories

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Category in the sidebar to access the category settings page.

  2. In this section, you can add and manage product categories.

Step 2: Adding a New Category

  1. Click on the "Add Category" button.

  2. Fill in the following details for the new category:

    • Name: Enter the name of the category (e.g., Clothing, Electronics).

    • Description: Provide a brief description of the category.

    • Parent Category: Select an existing category to set as the parent category, if applicable.

    • Image: Upload an image that represents the category.

    • Meta Title: Add a title for search engine optimization (SEO).

    • Meta Description: Provide a meta description for SEO purposes.

    • Keywords: Add relevant keywords for SEO.

Step 3: Saving the Category

  1. Click "Add New Category" to create the new product category.

Step 4: Managing Product Categories

In this section, you can:

  • View a list of existing product categories.

  • Edit category details, including name, description, and image.

  • Set parent categories for subcategories.

  • Delete categories if they are no longer needed.


  • Organizing products into categories helps customers navigate and find what they're looking for more easily.

Last updated