Welcome to Shopeasy's FAQ section! Here, you can provide helpful information to your customers through Frequently Asked Questions. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing FAQs

  1. Navigate to FAQ in the sidebar to access the FAQs page.

  2. In this section, you can manage FAQs for your store and specific products.

Step 2: Adding New FAQ

  1. Click on Add New FAQ located at the top right corner.

  2. Choose the FAQ type:

    • Store: General FAQs related to your store.

    • Product: FAQs specific to a particular product.

Step 3: Entering FAQ Details

  1. Question: Enter the question for the FAQ.

  2. Answer: Provide a detailed answer to the question.

  3. Click Add FAQ to add the new FAQ.

Step 4: Managing FAQs

In the FAQ section, you can:

  • View Existing FAQs

  • Edit FAQ Details

  • Delete FAQs


  • Providing clear and informative FAQs helps customers find answers to common questions, enhancing their shopping experience.

Last updated

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