Blog Comment Management

Welcome to Shopeasy's Blog Comment Management section! Here, you can view and moderate comments made by users on your blog posts. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Blog Comments

  1. Navigate to Apps > Blogs > Blog Comments in the sidebar to access the blog comment management page.

  2. On the main page, you'll see images, blog categories, blog names, and comment counts for each blog post.

  3. Click on the eye icon next to the comment count to view the comments for a specific blog post.

Step 2: Viewing Comments

In the comments section, you can:

  • See the user who made the comment.

  • View the content of the comment.

  • Identify if a comment is toxic or violates any guidelines.

Step 3: Taking Action

  1. If a comment is reported as toxic or violates guidelines, you can take action to:

    • Block the User: Prevent the user from making further comments.

    • Delete the Comment: Remove the comment from the blog post.

Managing Blog Comments:

In the Blog Comments section, you can:

  • View Comments for Each Blog Post

  • Take Action on Individual Comments


  • Engaging with comments helps create a vibrant and interactive community around your blog.

Last updated