
Welcome to Shopeasy's Payouts section! Here, you can view detailed information about your payouts, including receivable amounts, transaction details, and payout history. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Payouts

  1. Navigate to Payouts in the sidebar to access the payouts section.

  2. In this section, you can review and manage your payout details.

Step 2: Reviewing Payout Details

You'll find the following information:

  • Receivable Amount: The total amount pending to be received.

  • Total Orders Amount: The sum of all orders' amounts.

  • Total Shipping Charges: The combined shipping charges for all orders.

  • Transaction Charge: Any applicable transaction fees.

  • Shopeasy Service Fee: Fees associated with using the Shopeasy platform.

  • Payouts History: A log of all payout transactions.

Step 3: Understanding Payout History

  1. Scroll down to view the Payouts History section.

  2. Here, you can see a detailed record of all your past payouts, including dates, amounts, and transaction details.


  • Payouts are the funds disbursed to you based on your sales and transactions.

Last updated