Shipping Configuration

Welcome to Shopeasy's Shipping Configuration section! Here, you can set up your shipping preferences and enable Shiprocket for seamless order fulfillment. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Shipping Configuration

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Shipping in the sidebar to access the shipping settings page.

  2. In this section, you can customize your shipping preferences.

Step 2: Enabling Shiprocket

  1. Locate the option to enable Shiprocket for shipping.

  2. Click on the "Add" button.

  3. Note: Enabling Shiprocket will use your business address to pick up the order. Please change your business address if required.

Step 3: Adding Business Address

  1. Navigate to Setting > Business profile in the sidebar to access the Business profile.

  2. Fill in the required details such as Address line 1, Address line 2, city, state, and Pincode.

  3. Click "Update Profile" on the top right corner to confirm.

Step 4: Completing Shiprocket Setup

  1. Once your business address is added, go to Shipping and enable Shiprocket.

  2. You can now proceed to use Shiprocket for shipping your orders.


  • Setting up shipping preferences ensures smooth order fulfillment and delivery.

Last updated