Review Management

Welcome to Shopeasy's Review Management section! Here, you can view and moderate product reviews. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Reviews

  1. Navigate to Reviews in the sidebar to access the review management page.

Step 2: Review Overview

On the main page, you'll see:

  • Image: Thumbnail image of the product.

  • Product Name: Name of the product.

  • Review Count: Total number of reviews for the product.

  • Eye Icon: Click to view detailed reviews for the product.

Step 3: Viewing Reviews

Click on the eye icon next to the product to view individual reviews for that product.

In the reviews section, you can:

  • See the user who made the review.

  • View the content of the review.

  • Identify the rating given by the user.


  • Regularly monitoring and responding to reviews helps in maintaining customer satisfaction.

Last updated