Customer Chat

Welcome to Shopeasy's Chat section! Here, you can have direct conversations with your customers. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Chat

  1. Navigate to Chat in the sidebar to access the chat feature.

  2. In this section, you can engage in real-time conversations with your customers.

Step 2: Starting a Conversation

  1. If a customer has a query or message, they can initiate a chat from your storefront.

  2. As an admin, you'll receive the message and can respond promptly.

Step 3: Responding to Customers

  1. Click on the customer's message to reply.

  2. Type your response and click Send.

  3. Engage in a back-and-forth conversation to address the customer's query.

Step 4: Assigning Chats to Staff

  1. If a chat needs to be assigned to a specific staff member, click on Assign Staff.

  2. Choose the staff member from the list to assign the chat to.

Step 5: Managing Chat Conversations

In the Chat section, you can:

  • View ongoing and past conversations.

  • Reply to customer messages.


  • Real-time communication with customers helps address their queries promptly, enhancing their shopping experience.

Last updated