Payment Methods

Welcome to Shopeasy's Payment Methods section! Here, you can set up various payment options to facilitate seamless transactions in your store. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Accessing Payment Methods

  1. Navigate to Payment in the sidebar to access the payment settings page.

  2. In this section, you can customize your payment methods.

Step 2: Adding Razorpay

  1. Choose "Razorpay" from the list of available payment methods

  2. Click "Add" to activate Razorpay for your account.

Step 3: Completing Razorpay Setup

  1. Once you've added Razorpay, it will be enabled as a payment option in your store.

  2. Customers will now be able to use Razorpay for transactions.


  • Razorpay is a secure and popular payment gateway that allows for smooth online transactions.

Last updated